WP1: Coordination of OPTIMISC Project


WP Leader (Project Coordinator): University of Hohenheim, Germany - Prof. Iris Lewandowski

WP Team: Prof. Iris Lewandowski, Olena Kalinina.


Work package 1 (WP1) of OPTIMISC project is dedicated to project management and co-ordination. The University of Hohenheim (Stuttgart, Germany) is in charge of this WP and of the overall management and co-ordination of the project activities and OPTIMISC consortium.

The main objectives of WP1 are:

  • to ensure that the project performs successfully as overall programme of the sub-activities, that the activities are internally co-ordinated and that information and data are exchanged between the different WP groups and leaders;
  • to generate and establish the consortium agreement and to ensure the protection of intellectual property rights within the consortium and outwardly;
  • to administer the budget and the progress reporting to the EU Commission;
  • to ensure timely progress and reporting by supervising of timetables and timeframes and the integration of the different work package groups to the overall aims and objectives;
  • to ensure that the outcomes of the project are translated and transferred to the scientific community, SMEs, policy makers and advisory boards;
  • to develop and manage a project website as a mean for external presentation of the project results and progress and as a mean of project management;
  • to ensure that the work packages are well integrated by developing and implementing a protocol template as a database for all project participants with the intention to standardize and ensure data evaluation and exchange.