WP8: Dissemination of results including knowledge and technology transfer for commercialization

WP Leader: ANNA – Karl Müller-Sämann.

WP Team:   UHOH, DAZ, Blankney.


  1. Development of a dissemination and implementation strategy.
  2. Building up an Advisory Board.
  3. Creation of an information platform.
  4. Public relations.
  5. Organizing a demonstration day.
  6. Dissemination of results and knowledge transfer through SMEs.

WP8 work description

WP8 progress so far

Through the dissemination activities initiated in WP8, information on the project, project outcomes and recommendations for specific user groups will be communicated to a wide range of stakeholders.

OPTIMISC’s website is updated on a regular basis and four public newsletters have been released so far. In the last year (2014), 30 dissemination activities directed at all stakeholder levels were carried out, 14 conference speeches were given, 9 posters were presented at scientific meetings and stakeholder symposia, 2 exhibition events were organised in the UK and Netherlands, and one article was published in a peer-reviewed scientific journal. Joint publication of results in scientific journals is currently in preparation.

Dissemination work activities communicate the project outcomes to relevant stakeholders along the Miscanthus value chains, whereas inking of OPTIMISC information platform with the International Miscanthus Society’s and French Miscanthus information websites will strengthen the participation of SMEs and industry in Miscanthus-related projects, stimulate information flow and networking of Miscanthus stakeholders.


  OPTIMISC team member Dr. Hilde Muylle (ILVO, Belgium) presenting on Miscanthus as a feedstock for fiberboard manufacturing at the bi-annual meeting of the International Miscanthus Society (MEG) in Chartres, France. January 2015.